Bizhub User Box documents not seen by Pagescope tools

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  • John Kaufmann
    Trusted Tech
    Site Contributor
    100+ Posts
    • Sep 2013
    • 100

    Bizhub User Box documents not seen by Pagescope tools

    This one has me scratching my head (the machine is a C360, but the model is probably not relevant):

    After loading a User Box (box number 1) on the machine with 11 documents to be printed later, a secretary proceeded to print two more documents (2 copies of the first, 63 copies of the second) before realizing that she still had the print driver set to Save to User Box rather than to Print. So she had 76 files in the box, 65 erroneously.

    I opened the Pagescope web connection to delete the unwanted files, but they did not show up there. I went to the office, confirmed the 76 files (13 listing pages) in the box, and confirmed that only the first 11 show up via Pagescope web connection. Then I tried Pagescope Box Operator (a Windows tool), which shows all boxes on the machine (#1-#4 used, all with useful names), but shows nothing in any box. What could be the reason that the Pagescope tools do not show all of the box contents (Pagescope Web Connection) or any of the contents (Pagescope Box Operator) ?

    BTW: very secondary question: User Boxes are identified, both locally and via Pagescope, with 9-digit numbers. I have not seen more than 9 boxes used, though it's conceivable that some machines may use up to 99. But hundreds of millions of user boxes on one machine? Is there a way to reduce/format the 9-digit number to 1 or 2 digits?