BizHub C500 drum life ?

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  • Desert Rat
    Service Manager
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    1,000+ Posts
    • May 2008
    • 1089

    BizHub C500 drum life ?

    A friend of my has told me that the drums in the bizhub C500
    can go three spins before they really go bad. He sez he has
    the chips.
    I prefer not to reset the drums and lie to my customer.
    But for the sake of disscussion, how far past the 100K mark
    will these drums go before copy quality problems start?

    I am just getting started on this model and I'm sure I will have more
    questions in the near future.


  • random

    Well for one c500 drums don't have chips so maybe you are thinking of another product. If you are talking about the c500 I would say it would depend in the click type (single/double) I have pushed 8050 drums to 180 but that is in an office enviorment. C6500 are very similar and by 200k they are very tired.


    • Desert Rat
      Service Manager
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      1,000+ Posts
      • May 2008
      • 1089

      Thanks for the reply,
      I must have mis-understood the model #s.
      Nice to know that there is a little cushsion of time on that unit.
      I will spend some time with that C500 today. I'm sure it will need
      some TLC. And I need some time with it so that I can get to know
      this model and not look to much like a rookie.




      • random

        Don't worry, in 18 months you will be right up to speed! We had several of these but with the c6500 being such a major advancement we only have about 3 left.


        • Desert Rat
          Service Manager
          Site Contributor
          1,000+ Posts
          • May 2008
          • 1089

          I'm just hoping that I can last another 18 months as an indy.
          I did not get to see that unit last week. It is in a shop that I do not have
          access to and have to wait untill someone will be there while I work. I
          would much rather that unit was at my place so I could tinker when ever
          I had a couple of hours to spare.


