View Full Version : Cross-Brand equivalency list?

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08-24-2010, 11:28 AM
Does someone have a cross-brand equivalency list between Develop and KM machines? Or anyone knows where in the "interwebs" can I check for it?


08-24-2010, 11:37 AM
All of the current and recent DEVELOP models share the same numeric model number.

The colour models are "ineo+ ###" and the mono models don't have the "+".
ie a bizhub C280 becomes an ineo+ 280. and a bizhub 751 becomes an ineo 751.

The older stuff is a little different. bizhub C350 is a QC2235 plus. bizhub C351 is an ineo+ 350. bizhub C252 is an ineo+ 251.

Also the bizhub PRO models are the same as the standard office range and don't have the PRO designation ie bizhub PRO C6501 become ineo+ 6501 etc.

08-24-2010, 11:40 AM
Thank you. At the moment I want to check some recent models, so your tip is probably enough for what I need. But my request stands as I will probably need to check some older models in the future.


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