Minolta Di181 slow

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  • Technogeek

    Minolta Di181 slow

    Hello everyone,
    Newbie poster hoping someone can help me out with a Di181 problem. I have this machine connected via parallel cable to a work station. It is shared out on the network. The problem is that when a print job get's sent to it it takes a very long time for it to finally start printing and it stops after each page to think about it some more?????? I have tried a couple of drivers I found online but to no avail. It seems like it could be a driver issue but after reading some of the postings here I am starting to think it is just a POS printer. Someone had mentioned in the worst printer ever thread about how you could make these things better if you knew the tricks, can someone point me in the direction to where I might find the tips and tricks for tweaking this PIA printer. By the way I tried 2 different off the shelf print servers to see if putting it on the network instead of sharing it out would work better and that idea went down in flames. Thanks for any advice and great site never knew it existed and being an IT Support guy I am expected to know everything of course, nice to know there is a place I can come and hopefully get some direction on these things.
  • Scott_Lewis
    Senior Tech
    500+ Posts
    • Mar 2007
    • 519

    Parallel settings?

    Never connected a Di181. The first thing that came to mind when I read your post was "did you select the best parallel mode"? ECP being best and 'compatibility' the slowest.

    Another problem I've run into back when I used parallel a lot was cheap cables. There are some devices that require more lines that what the minimum requirements are. IOW, many printers will only use a small subset of the 25 wires available in the fully populated cable. Other devices are negatively impacted, sometimes greatly, when the minimalistic cable is employed.

    Good luck.


    • AusiTech

      Sorry dude but who the F print parallel on network these days

      ahhh... feel better now


      • Scott_Lewis
        Senior Tech
        500+ Posts
        • Mar 2007
        • 519

        Originally posted by AusiTech
        Sorry dude but who the F print parallel on network these days

        ahhh... feel better now
        Ha ha, I just installed a new BizHub 350 a few months back. Had to go back this week to work on a network printing issue. Can you believe they are using a printer switch and attaching to the copier via the parallel port?!


        • AusiTech

          Man you goto wonder about some people!

          Ah well if they print PDF's slow you can blame it.....


          • Technogeek

            Thanks for the replies guy's. But yes in this day and age there are still small companies that use printer sharing through an LPT connected printer. Not what I would recommend but it is what it is. I will check out the bios settings for the ports and the cable as well.

