Retouch Bad Spots on Drum?

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  • henry finley
    Trusted Tech
    100+ Posts
    • Feb 2011
    • 101

    [Misc] Retouch Bad Spots on Drum?

    I've got a wishful but probably hopeless question. It seems the drums on my notorious Konica C-500 has a voracious appetite for drums. Seems like every time I turn around I have to fork up for a new drum or 2 because they develop little flecks in the blue coating scaling off, resulting in solid spots and specs in my jobs. Doesn't seem to matter much whether its a genuine or after-market drum, they all get these defects repeatedly. Sure would be nice if there was a "retouching pen" or some such idea to spot these problems to try to stretch some life out of an otherwise perfectly good drum. Any ideas? Thanks.
  • Foxhound
    • Mar 2014
    • 33

    Re: Retouch Bad Spots on Drum?

    There really isn't anything you can do once the opc layer is damaged or worn. Some of the old copiers had sellenium drums that were resurfaced. Organic photcunductive drums like your Konica C-500 are just prone to that. Because of the complex high voltage and micron size toner there isn't wiggle room for drum imperfections. By the way your konica C-500 hit end of life last year so your on borrowed time with that box anyways. Good luck.


    • henry finley
      Trusted Tech
      100+ Posts
      • Feb 2011
      • 101

      Re: Retouch Bad Spots on Drum?

      "End of life"? Is that like when Windows XP support stopped, but I still use it? Or does it mean no toner or supplies will be made for it, or what? What do you mean "end of life"? Seems like it's been borrowed time since the first day this machine cursed my life by coming into it.


      • Foxhound
        • Mar 2014
        • 33

        Re: Retouch Bad Spots on Drum?

        I left you an attatchment from Konica. It looks a lot worse than it is. Here is the Jist. Konica will cease any new production of parts and supplies, software, warranty , and support for this product. Lucky for you there are third party and these were mass produced so it's not like the parts will disapear overnight. Hytec repairs boards and "dead" machines usually survive several years past their end of life, however part cost will rise and odd parts covers etc. will become limited.
        Attached Files

