RISO search problems

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  • techathens
    50+ Posts
    • Feb 2008
    • 83

    RISO search problems

    A few days ago any search conducted using terms - RISO and Risograph - did not return complete, new posts, or any posts I have viewed since 02/01/08.

    Is anyone else having this issue? I have issued a problem ticket to the administrators.

    - LHS

    >>> I have just checked, and this thread is not searchable using terms RISO or Risograph <<<

    >>> 14:15 05/13 Here is an example of a link that is no longer searchable - http://www.copytechnet.com/forums/ot...ing-whine.html <<<
    Last edited by techathens; 05-13-2008, 07:16 PM. Reason: Update on seach results on this thread
    Salesout Pro

  • techathens
    50+ Posts
    • Feb 2008
    • 83

    Problem solved thanks to CopyTechNet admin. Thanks guys - great communication!
    Salesout Pro


    • nilsonmorales


      hi my name is nilson morales from el salvador i dont have experience in duplicator but i see in www.free-service-manuals.com manuals fro riso i work with copiers
      saludos desde el salvador mi correo es nilsonmorales@hotmail.com


      • techathens
        50+ Posts
        • Feb 2008
        • 83

        If I understand the question or inquiry, try JustManuals. If I misunderstand your inquiry please contact me at help@duplicatortech.com

        Direct link to RISO manuals - http://www.justmanuals.com/riso-c-31...g8721a3hbebsu2
        Last edited by techathens; 05-29-2008, 06:35 PM. Reason: link update
        Salesout Pro


        • rplaza

          riso or risograph search results: NOT FOUND

          on June 25 2008
          Still the same
          riso or risograph search results: NOT FOUND
          Is there a copyright issue?
          or something wrong?


          • techathens
            50+ Posts
            • Feb 2008
            • 83

            I agree with you, there are many less posts and more search problems now than in the past, and I am receiving less direct technical inquiries than in the past on the equipment (neither here nor there – advice is free).

            I'm not sure how it works, but judging from all the other products that are represented in this forum and the information posted, I don't believe it to be a copyright issue as such. (Does anyone out there understand how the "Furl" and "Digg" buttons affect a post on this forum?)

            Also I am not going to discount that someone or a authorized dealership somewhere have taken upon themselves to be overseers or digital duplicator overlords (a joke) - for RISO to do so (either on the US or Japanese corporate level) would show a higher degree of initiative on these type matters than I ever observed during my tenure with them. It is just not something that most of the corporate guys in Danvers (MA) wouldn’t get their boxers in a bunch over.
            Last edited by techathens; 06-24-2008, 06:24 PM. Reason: formatting problems from MS Word
            Salesout Pro

