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Toshibia e studio 4520c
Hey guys anyone have the part number for the exit sensor and harness for a Toshiba e studio 4520c? Old and brittle just fell apart in my hands! Don't... -
4520c Misfeed in printer
Hey all,
I have an issue with a 4520c, it will print about 10 to 20 pages then have a misfeed and jams (error code E010).
The... -
4520c Print Issue
Hi all,
I seem to have an issue with printing paper 200gsm, previously i have had no issues and the print quality was perfect.
... -
Toshiba estudio 4520C firmware - Willing to pay for it..
Could you please someone kindly send me the link for the Toshiba eStudio 4520C to & I pay for it. I'll be gratetful for your... -
Interested tech documentation for Toshiba e-studio 4520c share please?
Interested tech documentation for Toshiba e-studio 4520c share please?
E-Studio 4520C Parts & Service, E-Studio 4520C Service Handbook ... -
Duplex Toshiba e-studio 4520c (how to solve the problem) ?
My copier printed sheet does not converge with the reverse side(duplex mode) . At the top of the sheet of paper 3 mm in the bottom of 5mm. How to solve... -
Banner printing e-STUDIO 4520c?
How to print on the banner can not find the format 12 "x 47" (305mm x 1200mm) in the print settings? -
Toshiba 4520C
My 4520c's arrived and the default backup for templates are *.enc. One of my old machines was already set to save templates at *.enc the other is still... -
not save settings Toshiba e-studio 4520c
not save settings Toshiba e-studio 4520c
Will not save settings in the admin menu ... after the restart MFU reset to default settings (((How to... -
e-studio 4520c web services scan
While trying to scan using web services, I see only two clients from the network listed. Other clients are missing. Help says that we have to register... -
I go try to explain my problem.
In one school, this printer is installed in a network, and the principal computer who has the windows server 2003