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19 results in 0.0334 seconds.
RICOH MP 6503 sp. problem
I have a problem with the MP 6503 sp machine. New drum option, developer, original toner. The machine printed very well until the toner was replaced.... -
LaserJet M9050
Prints are fine but when copying through ADF or off glass pages are blank white. Scanner lamp is coming on and is bright. Scan... -
BizHub C227 color intensities
BizHub C227 not prints colors 5, 10, 20% in demo page. Image appears very bright.
Any ideas how solve this problem?... -
Biden is President of the US... Now what?
It is for all intents and purposes over. Biden has won the us election.
What do you guys project the next four years are going to be like? ... -
bright line on kyocera 3550ci pages
Hey everyone, i have an kyocera mita 3550ci which leaves a bright line on the right side of the page, like the paint isnt brought on the page properly.... -
Hello all! New canon partner...
Hi all, my company has just become a Canon partner, and as the new ir advance machines seem pretty cheap and nasty, I'll probably be spending quite a... -
How to remove silicone oil
Hi guys
Any bright ideas on removing silicone oil marks from carpets and shirts as a customer managed to drip it when filling up a canon... -
I need help with Canon iRADV5030
Hello everyone!
At Canon iRADV5030 when printing large runs out very bright copy. Contrast is reduced gradually.
Waiting for help. -
LJ 4345 mfp dim display
Have a 4345 mfp with a very dim display. Works OK, but cannot adjust it bright enough to read easily. Any fix for this, or just replace entire op panel?... -
GR3750 - printed image travels up and down page
The image printed on paper travels up and down the paper rather than appearing in the same place. The travel can be as much as 20mm. The first sheet... -
copy star cs2020 missreads orginal size
Has anyone had any problems with a cs2020 missreading orginal sizes. I have one that when you lay it on glass it will very intermittenly misread size... -
Guest started a topic Panasonic C3 adds color to multifunction copy machines (Orange County Register)Panasonic C3 adds color to multifunction copy machines (Orange County Register)
The new line of office products is available in bright colors. PCs added color years ago, so why has it taken this long to do the same for bland copy... -
Guest started a topic Panasonic C3 adds color to multifunction copy machines (Orange County Register)Panasonic C3 adds color to multifunction copy machines (Orange County Register)
The new line of office products is available in bright colors. PCs added color years ago, so why has it taken this long to do the same for bland copy... -
Ricoh AP3800C Very Light Printing
Thanks for all the help so far with this troubled printer.
The current issue at hand is with the overall lightness of the prints. Before,... -
Toshiba E-studio 20s
When You Turn It On You Hear Paper Tray Moveing
Lights Blink No Display