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4 results in 0.0119 seconds.
CompTIA to Certify Printing, Document Imaging Technicians (Baseline)
The Computing Technology Industry Association announced Feb. 21 that it plans to develop a new certification of IT skills that focuses on the printing... -
CompTIA to Certify Printing, Document Imaging Technicians (Baseline)
The Computing Technology Industry Association announced Feb. 21 that it plans to develop a new certification of IT skills that focuses on the printing... -
CompTIA to Certify Printing, Document Imaging Technicians (eWeek)
CompTIA will create a certification program for technicians at seven different printing and document imaging organizations. ... -
CompTIA to Certify Printing, Document Imaging Technicians
The Computing Technology Industry Association announced Feb. 21 that it plans to develop a new certification of IT skills that focuses on the printing...