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34 results in 0.0097 seconds.
Lanier LD015 no Electronic sort
Have a Lanier LD015(Ricoh 1515) that won't electronic sort anymore. Sort button lights up but won't sort. -
Main control electronic circuits 1 Ira series
Does anyone have any of the main control electronic circuits in the Ira series on this forum and are there any tools for upgrading the series up or down... -
Electronic card noises/whistles
In the field I have several bizhub series 4/4e/8.
Older MFPs begin to emit noises/whistles from electronic cards. I believe they are the bobbins... -
Electronic service manual
Hello mates ,am looking for an electronic service manual for konica minolta ,actually i wouldn't mind buying a full laptop with all service manuals installed... -
Laserjet cp3525: Magenta become light from the front side of the machine
hi guys, I have the magenta that becomes light from the front of the printer (see attachments), I tried to replace the magenta cartridge = ng, the transfer... -
Ricoh mpc5000 electronic counter no grows up
hi guys,
MPC5000 electronic counter no grows up even if i make copy? -
I need ricoh jp5000 electronic boards circuit and diagram.please help me beacuase i am living in iran and i havent any credit card to buy it -
estudio 355 meter not counting up
Hi everyone. For some reason our estudio 355 electronic meter is not counting up. Is is a firmware or service mode setting? Thank you in advance. -
A whole new world.
Hey everyone, it's nice to have found this forum. I'm currently an arcade technician who was hired after the last tech was fired. It's been a while since... -
new to ctnet
hello there! just browsing around found this site,sr tech (some call me enginner) but I am here to help if posible,knowledge on copiers,fascimiles,ploters,wide... -
Touch panel with vertical lines
Encountered a strange problem today. Have a iR3045 that when turn on boots up just fine. After a few minutes the touch panel displays vertical lines.... -
Why is my smoke detector going off for no reason?
Why is my smoke detector going off for no reason?
So here I am, taking a nice nap after a lengthy doctors visit and my... -
Does anyone know a good source to buy Copier Test Charts ? Need b/w and color. Can't find much of anything on internet