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218 results in 0.0385 seconds.
L8900cdw low toner yield?
I (mistakenly) sold some (what I thought were, and looked like) OEM toners to this customer and about a month later, the cartridges are totally out again?... -
Sovamax Trading
Has anyone had any dealings with a company called Sovamax in Germany, they called us wanting to purchase any unused OEM parts/consumables. Wondered what... -
Ricoh MP 5055 poor density
Picked up a Ricoh 5055 off lease to refurb. Print / copy density started off excellent. Has 270K total count. Quality started off excellent, did all firmware... -
8 series PCR covers missing
Has anyone ever seen OEM drum units without the plastic clip on cover for the charge & charge cleaning rollers? Just bought an off lease C258 with... -
Sharp Toners with "C" ending
Does anyone know what these toners from Sharp represent?
MX-61NTYC - US version
MX-61GTYC - EU version
They seem to be... -
Konica Minolta C458 - stripe
Hi guys,
Got a Konica Minolta C458 that has a constant yellow stripe, I have replaced the yellow drum/dev OEM and the machine uses OEM toner.... -
Compatible Toner affects OEM developer??
Hello my friends,
So today I overheard my boss talking to my service manager about compatible toners (3162) which is for M3645idn / M3145idn... -
Non-OEM toners that might be worth trying
I am now the owner of HL-L2350DW. I purchased a cheap toner from some website, and it is just a lot less black than the OEM toner... -
IU610 convert to IU612
Hey guys,
Does somebody try this convert, i have situation that i have in stock OEM IU610m and i need IU612m for C452.
I work on this series...