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37 results in 0.0132 seconds.
Does KM-8030 / DF-650 have any salvage value?
I have a KM-8030 with a DF-650 that shows JAM 41. It is no longer needed and in the way so it's time for it to go. Does it have any salvage value or... -
Cheep toner
Too many compatible being sold for Task alfa 3550CI. Have had problems ourging system, Background issues. I hate to have to change dev. Any Ideas? -
E020 keeps comin' back on IRC6800
after 50 copies more or less it stops showing E020 it always goes that way every time. I changed the black toner assembly and its gone (ERROR 020), i... -
Ricoh and SSD drives
Has anyone tried replacing a SATA standard HDD with a SSD HDD due to being more reliable and prices about the same for the smaller capacity drives (you... -
Risograph GR3770 salvage parts
Hi, I've got a Riso GR3770 that was working perfectly well until a plastic part broke. The part is a little yellow lever/flipper-like thing. There are... -
Parts compatibility between Bizhub C250 and C252
Hi guys, can i please ask that whether if i can salvage part from a C250 and use it in my C252? mainly the expensive parts such as imaging units, fuser... -
HDD broke on MPC-2800 why?
I have change HDD on a MPC-2800 2 times. First time a new HDD, secondtime a old one that I had format on my computer.
The HDD get SC-998 after about... -
Error Code 124-314 + Technical Question
Hello again
It would seem I am still having problems with the printer. After replacing the EEPROM, and syncing the serials I now have error... -
The life of a country field tech.
Well what a week. Thought I'd have a little rant.
1800 KMS & 17 jobs in 3 days
2 motel rooms
3 tanks of diesel
2 broken... -
HP Design Jet 4500 24:10 turns into power won't stay on.
It started with the 24:10. The book said to run the broken bag detect program and I did.
I got more error codes. 13.2:10, 1.2:10,... -
conatc sensor (cis) 2380/3100
anyone now a sure fire way to salvage these when you get the dreaded black line fault - we have tried airlining them out to no avail
FM2-1563-000... -
C550 no black
Ran into this the other day and thought I'd share..
Called in for blank copies (B&W) poor CQ (color)
Black IU was around 3/4 life... -
Xerox Colorqube 9201
looking for a print head for a 9201 colorqube. salvage, auction, anything. have one with one bad head...