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10 results in 0.0141 seconds.
Replacement sponge/foam/rubber seals and cleaning blades?
Diverse seals on my copier are falling apart on developers, toner intake and so on...
Is it possible to get only the seals and replace them myself?... -
bizhub 362
Hello all. I have a bh362 put in brand new drum and dev unit after about 7000 prints the rear end of drum and seals on the rear of the dev were all chewed... -
SC-500 caused by leaky developer seals and failed drive gears
I service a lot of the Ricoh Aficio copiers. Great machines, run forever, but they have a problem with the seals failing, allowing developer material... -
Osama Dead !!!
It's been 6 hours. Our US friends must be too busy celebrating to post. Well done to your spies and SEALS. -
ricoh 3045 sc 322
salve ho un problema con una ricoh che ha 30mila copie perde molto toner che e' andato a finire sul diodo laser generando sc 322. pulendo completamente... -
KATANA and Pro's dev. unit dev. spillage
has anyone had a problem with dev. spillage on the Katana and Pro series?
Dev. will build up underneath the mag rollers, right... -
Ricoh FT5632/ Ricoh FT4615
Hi... I'm looking to purchase spares for the above analog machines in bulk (fast moving items like OPC Drums, Cl Blades, Heater Rollers, Development Seals,... -
Toshiba 3550
The lower seal on the dv unit is missing, so I don't have a reference to install one of my two remaining new seals. I incorrectly installed...