Fitch Rates Colorado Water Authority, CO's $42MM Drinking Water Rfdg Revs 'AAA'; Outl

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    • Jan 2009
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    Fitch Rates Colorado Water Authority, CO's $42MM Drinking Water Rfdg Revs 'AAA'; Outl

    Fitch Ratings assigns an 'AAA' rating to the following Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority, CO's (the authority) state revolving fund (SRF) program bonds. --$42 million drinking water revolving fund refunding revenue bonds, series 2010A. The 2010A bonds are expected to sell via negotiation during the week of July 19. Proceeds will be used to refund outstanding senior lien drinking water bonds for debt service savings. In addition, Fitch affirms the following 'AAA' ratings. --$351.2 million in outstanding senior lien clean water revenue bonds; --$10.8 million in outstanding subordinate lien clean water revenue bonds; --$130.5 million in outstanding wastewater revolving fund
