PRESS RELEASE Update on the JPMorgan proposed transactionParis*(France),*June 11,*2012*- Following the filing by Vector Capital on May25 of resolutions to be submitted to the General Shareholders' Meeting to beheld on June 20 (the "Vector Resolutions", Technicolor received on June 8 inthe morning a proposal (the "Amended Proposal" submitted by Jesper CooperatiefU.A. ("JPMorgan), in order to amend the contracts entered into between the twoparties on May 2, 2012 (the ..
PRESS RELEASE Update on the JPMorgan proposed transactionParis*(France),*June 11,*2012*- Following the filing by Vector Capital on May25 of resolutions to be submitted to the General Shareholders' Meeting to beheld on June 20 (the "Vector Resolutions", Technicolor received on June 8 inthe morning a proposal (the "Amended Proposal" submitted by Jesper CooperatiefU.A. ("JPMorgan), in order to amend the contracts entered into between the twoparties on May 2, 2012 (the ..