This person has a YouTube page and makes copies of just about everything on their small Canon copier. I know, I know boring stuff, but only something a copier tech would be interested in.
What happens if you photocopy bread - YouTube
Back in the early 90's there was a radio station that would give out a free lunch, dinner or passes to something, but it was based on..who had the best panty fax. Ladies would hop up on the copier and take a photocopy of their underwear or lack there of, fax it in and the DJ's would decide who was the winner. We received a call for jammed paper during this time and low and behold we removed a what was supposed to be a panty fax, but got jammed because of the black sky shot areas. I don't know what that has to do with making a copy of a piece of bread, but thought I would share it.
What happens if you photocopy bread - YouTube
Back in the early 90's there was a radio station that would give out a free lunch, dinner or passes to something, but it was based on..who had the best panty fax. Ladies would hop up on the copier and take a photocopy of their underwear or lack there of, fax it in and the DJ's would decide who was the winner. We received a call for jammed paper during this time and low and behold we removed a what was supposed to be a panty fax, but got jammed because of the black sky shot areas. I don't know what that has to do with making a copy of a piece of bread, but thought I would share it.