Well shit hit the fan again. How well are you comp'd for cell phone use at work??
Cell Phones
40 buckshttp://christianoutdoorsman.com/forums/
Lewis Digital
630-1 Capital Circle N.E. | Tallahassee, FL 32301
Telephone: 850.222.4418
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12Comment
Company cell phones (Verizon/Balckberry) for company use only, We can us it if we need to for personal use in a pinch. All the minutes are pooled and Cell to Cell is free so we never run out of minutes.Comment
We were given $20/month for use of our own (personal) cell phones, last place I worked. Currently one, I'm provided a Blackberry (cells for the techs - I'm Office Manager at the new gig).Did I have a dream, or did the dream have me?
HP/Lexmark/etc etc etcComment
get new company cell every 2yrs..get 300 anytime minutes per month, free verizon to verizon,and free nights and weekends..if i go over the 300 minutes i pay the difference.(hadn't had to yet though)Comment
I get $100 month for using personal cell phone.Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.Comment
We have Nextels. Crappy reception in Chicago area. We pay $5.00 week for personal use. 500 min month. Free nites and wknd. If we go over in min then we pay diff. Unless most of your min are work related. I never had to pay overages yet.My mission here on Earth is to help all you Dum-Dums!Comment
Free phone and minutes. Have a prepaid personal phone for the family to call me on, boss and customers don't have that number, and they aren't getting it. Work cell phone stays on the desk when I leave here, stays in the car turned off if I go straight home from my last call.GO TIGERS!!
No compensation.............
Guess our company is one of the few that don't provide or compensate for phone use. I would expect them to pay me for any out of area or overage charges, though. That hasn't happened, yet.Comment
I was there at one time also.It sucked! I hope you get some kind of comp soon, Or I would say what the other tech's in my shop say "No comp No phone". My battle now is fair comp for both sides.Mystic Crystal RevelationsComment