Christmas or Holiday

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  • gwaddle
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • May 2009
    • 782

    Christmas or Holiday

    Just wondering if other countries besides USA celebrate Holiday instead of Christmas. Very seldom do you see an ad that mentions Christmas anymore. I get so sick of political correctness that I want to punch something. Also if you want a response from me, don't wish me happy holidays. I'm just glad my family and I still get to celebrate Christmas. Again, is this just here, or have other countries lost there minds too?
    I know I should be ashamed of myself. Strangely though, I am not.
  • mrwho
    Major Asshole!

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    Over here 90% of the people say (our language equivalent of) "Merry Christmas" to others. Even I, not a catholic, say it - just because it's a catholic holiday.

    Some people use (our language equivalent of) "Nice Holiday" - even I do it on ocasion, but I never gave much thought to it until you brought it up.
    ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

    'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


    I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


    • fuser101
      • Jan 2010
      • 13


      Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year from right here in the good ol' USA!
      Last edited by fuser101; 12-17-2010, 10:50 PM.


      • Tonerbomb
        AutoMajical Resolutionist

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        It's Christmas !!!! May it be Merry for All of You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Mystic Crystal Revelations


        • Jimbo1
          Senior Tech

          500+ Posts
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          It's not a's Christmas!
          "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

          Cdr. William Riker


          • minoltaed
            Service Manager
            • Aug 2009
            • 44

            Merry Christmas!!!


            • gwaddle
              Senior Tech

              500+ Posts
              • May 2009
              • 782

              Thanks to all and Merry Christmas. If you are celebrating something other than Christmas, Merry and/or Happy "whatever it is".
              I know I should be ashamed of myself. Strangely though, I am not.


              • Jules Winfield
                Senior Tech

                500+ Posts
                • Jul 2009
                • 823

                "Well you know it's Christmas and my heart is open wide. Gonna give you something so you know what's on my mind..."

                What song is that from? Rep points to whoever correctly names the song first.
                But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard... to be the Shepherd.


                • mrwho
                  Major Asshole!

                  Site Contributor
                  2,500+ Posts
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 4306

                  I never knew there was a song called "Dick In a Box". Is that literal?

                  No reps, I cheated! Google is your friend!
                  ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

                  'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


                  I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


                  • Jules Winfield
                    Senior Tech

                    500+ Posts
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 823

                    Originally posted by mrwho
                    I never knew there was a song called "Dick In a Box". Is that literal?

                    No reps, I cheated! Google is your friend!
                    Hey, googling isn't cheating in my book. If you've never heard the song or seen the video, look for it on youtube. It's hilarious. Also look up "I'm on a boat" and "Jizz in my pants". Same people, equally hilarious...
                    But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard... to be the Shepherd.


                    • mrwho
                      Major Asshole!

                      Site Contributor
                      2,500+ Posts
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 4306

                      I didn't know them. I'm a big fan of Weird Al, though - although he's unknown around here.
                      ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

                      'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


                      I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


                      • Stirton.M
                        All things Konica Minolta

                        1,000+ Posts
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 1804

                        *LOL@Jizz in my Pants*


                        That happy holidays crap is wearing thin, it is irksome that some feel the need to eliminate the fact that it is Christmas, just so the Muslims, Jews, Seiks and whomever else do not feel left out, all the while completely ignoring the simple fact that the majority of people in all those other faiths do not feel left out, and many take part in the festivities, regardless of their faiths. Stupid apologists is what they are, they are so busy trying not to offend that they do not see they are offending people. Being Agnostic myself, I quite honestly am not offended if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas...Jews have wished me Happy Hanukkah, Muslims have shared Ramadan sentiments as well...I take it in the spirit is was meant and see no distinction. And I see nothing wrong with reciprocating the sentiment...

                        Merry Christmas eh!
                        "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
                        ---Groucho Marx

                        Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
                        I will not answer requests or questions there.
                        Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


                        • Jules Winfield
                          Senior Tech

                          500+ Posts
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 823

                          Originally posted by Stirton.M
                          *LOL@Jizz in my Pants*


                          That happy holidays crap is wearing thin, it is irksome that some feel the need to eliminate the fact that it is Christmas, just so the Muslims, Jews, Seiks and whomever else do not feel left out, all the while completely ignoring the simple fact that the majority of people in all those other faiths do not feel left out, and many take part in the festivities, regardless of their faiths. Stupid apologists is what they are, they are so busy trying not to offend that they do not see they are offending people. Being Agnostic myself, I quite honestly am not offended if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas...Jews have wished me Happy Hanukkah, Muslims have shared Ramadan sentiments as well...I take it in the spirit is was meant and see no distinction. And I see nothing wrong with reciprocating the sentiment...

                          Merry Christmas eh!
                          You wanna laugh? Look for a song called "Merry F@#$ing Christmas". It's on the South Park Christmas album. I think you would dig it...
                          But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard... to be the Shepherd.


                          • 10871087
                            Service Manager

                            1,000+ Posts
                            • Jan 2005
                            • 1144

                            Originally posted by gwaddle
                            Just wondering if other countries besides USA celebrate Holiday instead of Christmas. Very seldom do you see an ad that mentions Christmas anymore. I get so sick of political correctness that I want to punch something. Also if you want a response from me, don't wish me happy holidays. I'm just glad my family and I still get to celebrate Christmas. Again, is this just here, or have other countries lost there minds too?

                            Who gives a shit what you call it, say happy whatever and get on with life. The whole issue is complete bullshit brought up by politicians and talking heads to distract you/us from actual issues that actually matter. If you're a Christian and you walk into your local WalMart and the 79 year old Greeter at the door says, "Happy Holidays", How does that actually affect your life? Does it change the price of the shit your about to buy? Is that pack of Chinese made skive shorts suddenly going to double in price? Is a fucking 9 year long shooting war in Afghanistan going to come to an end? Is some poor fuck who worked his ass off 8 hours a day in a factory only to have his factory pick up and move to China or Honduras so they can produce something for 2% less going to get his job back? The whole issue is complete bullshit, Period, end of story. Why can't people just be happy that a perfect stranger just said, "Thank you, Happy Merry Whatever".

                            I'm not trying to get personal but the "War on Christmas" is a ruse and it drives me crazy when people fall for it.

                            PS. That greeter at WalMart was a retired United Airlines Pilot with a great pension until the Federal Government let United renege on their pension program. It was a great deal for Wall Street that put cash back in the corporation but it put Mr. Greeter and his fellow retirees on the street with shit in their pockets.

                            Another PS. You have an awesome avatar, Merry Christmas.


                            • pjdbm
                              Trusted Tech

                              250+ Posts
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 359

                              I agree, it should not be used as a ploy or something to be made political however when they do things like this all over it starts to make me boil. Why should we cater to the Muslims?

                              ps Merry Christmas everyone

                              This is where it becomes an issue :

                              Red Cross bans Christmas
                              to not offend Muslims
                              (London Daily Mail) Red Cross staff have been ordered to take down decorations and to remove any other signs of the Christian festival because they could offend Muslims ...

                              The Red Cross bans Christmas

