Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken lightly!

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  • charm5496
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    Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken lightly!

    Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
  • mjarbar

    Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

    What do Texaco themselves say about this, as the man in the video reports this has happened twice at Texaco stations in the state?


    • Hemlock
      Trusted Tech

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      Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

      Not only was that one helluva fucking ignorant & annoying hick (that accent made me want to pierce my eardrums), it likely didn't even happen.

      Before you get all butt-hurt about something, try for a little verification.
      “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” (Isaac Asimov)


        Senior Tech

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        Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

        hmm...can't say muslimism is high up on my favored religion list...but neither is red-neckism.

        Non-US-Soldiers only served at that gas station?

        Reminds me of a few other things:

        1. Whites only establishment (replace "establishment" with any store, theatre, dance club, restaurant, church, bathroom, water fountain, school, or gas station)

        2. Heteros only (when talking about gay marriage and gay rights)

        3. Men only and at one point white men only (when referring to voter's rights)

        4. Hell while we're at it...No Shirts, No Shoes, No Service! Well fuck you! If I want to be a nudist or run around in my underwear because it's 101 degrees out GD'it, then I will do so!

        Ooooh, I could go on and on but I made my point...


        • mjarbar

          Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

          This is why I try to check things on my own before saying whether something is right or wrong. I would have thought something like this would have been plastered across Fox news in minuets!!!

          Just doing a quick Google search shows that the only people who are talking about it appear to be the type of sites far right conservatives and militias would look at. No news service including who I think the local stations would be have reported it.


          • Shadow1
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            Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

            Doesn't seem likely, but it wouldn't surprise me for most of the mainstream media to avoid something like this considering how far left they generally lean.

            On the other hand, it is still America - if the station owner doesn't want to serve a soldier that's their option - just as it's an option for the rest of us to boycott the station, set up a picket line and drive them out of business.
            73 DE W5SSJ


            • Hemlock
              Trusted Tech

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              Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

              Originally posted by Shadow1
              Doesn't seem likely, but it wouldn't surprise me for most of the mainstream media to avoid something like this considering how far left they generally lean.
              Jesus H. Christ, you've got to be kidding me. If this were real, Faux News would be creaming their panties.
              “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” (Isaac Asimov)


              • Gift
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                Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

                I fand that all amusing


                • Dalamar
                  Trusted Tech

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                  Re: Us soldier denied service at muslim owned gas station in lousiana not taken light

                  I wonder how long until they torch the building.
                  Notatechie - "I am trying, but I don't know how to go into Service Mode. If I just go in and press *then 2, than 8, then * it does not do anything."
                  SCREWTAPE - "Try harder.."

