Will they fall for it again?

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  • Jimbo1
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Mar 2008
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    Will they fall for it again?

    Will they fall for it again?
    "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

    Cdr. William Riker
  • MR Bill
    Senior Tech

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    Re: Will they fall for it again?

    Looks like it .? He is up in the poles right now. But I like to just say wait and see.

    Some people really don't know where money comes from do they?. You have to take it away from someone to give it to someone else. It's not Obamas money.

    But if you have been in the welfare system for so long it just is a way of life after awhile??

    I think jobs for everyone would be a good idea. Then they can pay for there own mortgage and gas. ??

    What a concept. Pay for your own stuff.


    • Ctl-Alt-Del
      Trusted Tech

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      Re: Will they fall for it again?

      So you're saying that some of the 69 million people that voted for Barack Obama in '08 said stupid shit in the euphoria of a pretty convincing victory, that's hardly even blog-worthy.


      • Jimbo1
        Senior Tech

        500+ Posts
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        Re: Will they fall for it again?

        I have a small sampling of folks who were led to believe they would never have a problem again. I can't help but wonder how many more believed and believe that to this day.

        They were lied to and certainly no one tried to tell them otherwise from the administration.
        Just like shovel ready jobs. Remember that lie? They even laughed about that later.
        "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

        Cdr. William Riker


        • mojorolla
          The Wolf

          2,500+ Posts
          • Jan 2010
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          Re: Will they fall for it again?

          Lies,you say???!!!
          We are talking about the American political "system"; of course there is lying. They ALL lie. It does not matter what party they belong to. They say what needs to be said to get elected and then spend the bulk of their terms posturing to get re-elected. They are bought and paid for figure heads for their respective parties. The planning and budgets and policy are outsourced to a mob of staffers who do the real work, much like the companies we all work for.

          I predict Obama will get a second term. Mitt sounds and acts like a guy who plays doubles tennis at the country club with Duke, Miffy, and Buffy.

          Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!


          • Masterchief
            Trusted Tech

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            Re: Will they fall for it again?

            Of course their going to lie, thats what gets them into the hotseat. I like Obama but if he has not kept to his promises then he should be replaced... but with who another lying body trying to get the oval office with sworn promises that amount to nothing


            • draph
              Trusted Tech

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              Re: Will they fall for it again?

              Originally posted by Masterchief
              Of course their going to lie, thats what gets them into the hotseat. I like Obama but if he has not kept to his promises then he should be replaced... but with who another lying body trying to get the oval office with sworn promises that amount to nothing
              Hey guys, you're all copier techs remember? Unless you're self employed, Romney was including you in the 47% and just called you all victims.

              Wise up. Quit voting against your own best interests.


              • Shadow1
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                Re: Will they fall for it again?

                Yes - they're all idiots, but I'd rather vote for a guy who at least claims to share some of my values, has run a business and been responsible for paying someone else's salary, and maybe even collected a (semi)honest paycheck of his own than someone who has less executive experience than I do, voted "present" more often than yea or nay or was absent altogether during his less than satisfactory state and congressional govt career, can't speak an intelligent sentence without a teleprompter, and openly advocates socialistic and marxist policies.

                (BTW, Bush 43 couldn't speak an intelligent sentence sometimes with a teleprompter, but still got the job done until the dems took over both houses in '06)

                Romney wasn't my 1st pick of a candidate - that would be Cain - take the race card out of the equation, and again, knows how to run a successful business.
                Romney wasn't my 2nd pick - that would be Perry.
                Romney wouldn't even have been my 3rd pick if there was a better choice (and I think Ryan has got things hand over fist above his primary)

                ... but Romney is far and away the lesser of 2 evils.

                Still a idiot - but a much less damaging idiot.
                73 DE W5SSJ


                • Hemlock
                  Trusted Tech

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                  Re: Will they fall for it again?

                  Originally posted by Shadow1
                  Bush 43 couldn't speak an intelligent sentence sometimes with a teleprompter, but still got the job done
                  What exactly was that "job" that he got done?
                  “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” (Isaac Asimov)


                  • mojorolla
                    The Wolf

                    2,500+ Posts
                    • Jan 2010
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                    Re: Will they fall for it again?

                    mission accomplished.jpg

                    Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!


                    • Shadow1
                      Service Manager

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                      Re: Will they fall for it again?

                      Originally posted by Hemlock
                      What exactly was that "job" that he got done?
                      Economic stability.
                      Attached Files
                      73 DE W5SSJ


                      • Hemlock
                        Trusted Tech

                        250+ Posts
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 432

                        Re: Will they fall for it again?

                        Politifact: Most of the economists we spoke to agreed that the recession was caused most directly by long-term trends, especially a bust in housing prices and high energy prices, rather than by political factors.
                        “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” (Isaac Asimov)

