Konica Minolta C654e scanning issue

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  • JVC
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Jun 2011
    • 151


    Konica Minolta C654e scanning issue


    I have a strange one I think. I have set up scan to email using a Gmail account. When I scan to my email it goes through. When I scan to my customers email it does not go through. I logged into the Gmail account I am using and the emails are in the sent folder. The strange part is that when I send an email from the Gmail account to the customers email account it does go through. We are both using Office 365. Does anyone have information on a setting that I might not know about?

    Thank you in advance for any help.

  • mojorolla
    The Wolf

    2,500+ Posts
    • Jan 2010
    • 2556

    Re: Konica Minolta C654e scanning issue

    Do you have the device email and admin email inputted into the machine settings?
    Sounds like the client is flagging the email and it works from the Gmail account because when you send from there, the receiving server knows where it is coming from.
    Check spam or junk folders as gmail often gets flagged while scanning the first time.

    Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!


    • JVC
      Trusted Tech

      100+ Posts
      • Jun 2011
      • 151

      Re: Konica Minolta C654e scanning issue

      Thank you for the reply.

      I found the issue and it was even stranger. The customer had entered the email address into the address book before I arrived. It turned out that the scans were going to a different employees email account.



      • mojorolla
        The Wolf

        2,500+ Posts
        • Jan 2010
        • 2556

        Re: Konica Minolta C654e scanning issue

        Save yourself the hair pulling next time and start with the job logs.
        Logs prevent premature balding, gray hair, and the customers' ability to bullshit the tech

        Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!

