Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

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  • habik
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    Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

    Had gmail working simple scan no probs. even larger docs. 25-40pages. Pdf cpdf all good.
    Client tried scanning 1job after the other and getting server connection error. The same applies for single destination x-page file (1 page) per 1 email sent in a 10 page original which should result in 10 separate emails.

    Is there a way to create a gap between jobs like we used to do on the good old fax machines with Pause between dialling numbers?

    Loaded G9 fw, ver. 5 (vendor)
    Account Track is enabled.
    Trouble reset
    Still the same.
    Tried TLS -port 587 think it was
    Still no joy.
    Machine is on DHCP.

    FTP WORKS flawlessly. Issue is too many Macs that have renewed IP's fairly often(macbooks) so nothing static. Haven't figured SMB ON MACS AS YET!
    Or FTP with HOST name that would work.

    Any suggestion will be appreciated!

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  • wseyller
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    Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

    I haven't seen this issue before but there is a timeout setting in the email tx setting. Try changing from 60 to 120 seconds.


    • habik
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      Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

      Originally posted by wseyller
      I haven't seen this issue before but there is a timeout setting in the email tx setting. Try changing from 60 to 120 seconds.
      Thanks wseyller! The funny bit is that it happens prior to 60 sec. I'll try it anyway.
      Also I never had this issue on c203 c451 series or c220 series.
      Client had C451 and never had this sort of issue.

      I've noticed 2 similar scan through gmail smtp services issues on the new "e" machines. One on c242e and now on c454e and they are miles apart. The C242e was throwing random Server Connection Errors and now this C454e doing similar but only or preferably with the function mentioned above or 1 job immediately after the other.
      Gmail has 25MB cap on file size, however question is how fast can it process a sequence of emails in/out during a short period of time. Thinking it may have a slow spam protection/recognition or the government screen soft isn't up to the speed ... Just thinking out of the sandbox.

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      • Synaux
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        Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

        Originally posted by habik
        Had gmail working simple scan no probs. even larger docs. 25-40pages. Pdf cpdf all good.
        Client tried scanning 1job after the other and getting server connection error. The same applies for single destination x-page file (1 page) per 1 email sent in a 10 page original which should result in 10 separate emails.

        Sent from my iDon't believe in marketing device using Tapatalk
        Sorry, maybe this makes perfect sense, but I read this three times...maybe I am dense, but what is the exact issue?
        It is timing out or something when multiple jobs are done in tandem?

        You might want to suffer and read each and every special firmware .pdf


        • habik
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          Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

          Originally posted by Synaux
          Sorry, maybe this makes perfect sense, but I read this three times...maybe I am dense, but what is the exact issue?
          It is timing out or something when multiple jobs are done in tandem?

          You might want to suffer and read each and every special firmware .pdf
          Hi sorry, if my context isn't up to scratch had a loong day.

          Yes, scanning to 1 email recipient a tandem of scans. could be 1 page per email or more results in Server connection error. Example. 30 different originals in ADF scanned at once with the function "Page Separation + Email attachment method - One (1) file per E-mail"
          So in the Inbox should be 30 emails from one scan. Or 15 email if every 2 pages separation was set. Or 10 emails if every 3 page separation was set and so on.
          Tried 20 with page separation of 1 and right after it fed last page took the whole lot scanned it again as JUST ONE file and that went through. The previous 20 didn't make it.
          Just looked in the SMTP services of GMAIL and thinking to use the relay. Just have to do a bit more research. Looks like there are limits per day on the SMTP.GMAIL.COM of 2000 sent emails and ANY gmail services will filter suspicious emails. So, me thinking to change the password first as it may interfere with the Captcha. Then try the 25 or 465 or 587
 or 587

          If none of this works, then special firmwares

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          • habik
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            Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

            Every now and then we are getting E-301 ... 3x so far! Jam 72-16 x4 .. something is not right.

            open to suggestions..could the email issue be related to the Memory / MFPB / SSD

            FTP runs fine.
            .OK Google! ... will I need Berrocca this morning?
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            • habik
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              Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

              Ok network settings cleared to factory settings.. Started fresh. Gmail acc works when scanned from C224e from the wrkshop. Even scanned to customers inbox. Tried later from clients machine 1 page OK 7pages OK. 34 pages failed. Tried to my email 27 pages went through. Tried to clients email the same originals 27 pages fid not go through. Tried again to mine. It didn't go through! Wiped the network settings again, reloaded firmware G20-G9. Check sums all correct. Setup again same shit. Works few then it doesnt. Extended timeout to 120 sec , run network lead direct from MFP TO SWITCH, set fixed IP, tried smb to my laptop. Once it worked, then it stopped completely. FTP to my mac is the only protocol that works flawlessly over their network to my mac !
              Just returned back to office and used the same gmail account used at clients site for SMTP services and the workshop c224e is scanning absolutely fine.

              So its not gmail issue!

              I want to burn this thing!

              Sent from my iDon't believe in marketing device using Tapatalk
              Last edited by habik; 03-03-2015, 09:42 PM. Reason: ftp over their network added
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              • Synaux
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                Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                Originally posted by habik
                Ok network settings cleared to factory settings.. Started fresh. Gmail acc works when scanned from C224e from the wrkshop. Even scanned to customers inbox. Tried later from clients machine 1 page OK 7pages OK. 34 pages failed. Tried to my email 27 pages went through. Tried to clients email the same originals 27 pages fid not go through. Tried again to mine. It didn't go through! Wiped the network settings again, reloaded firmware G20-G9. Check sums all correct. Setup again same shit. Works few then it doesnt. Extended timeout to 120 sec , run network lead direct from MFP TO SWITCH, set fixed IP, tried smb to my laptop. Once it worked, then it stopped completely. FTP to my mac is the only protocol that works flawlessly over their network to my mac !
                Just returned back to office and used the same gmail account used at clients site for SMTP services and the workshop c224e is scanning absolutely fine.

                So its not gmail issue!

                I want to burn this thing!

                Sent from my iDon't believe in marketing device using Tapatalk
                ....Some random thoughts:

                Are the settings that you changed sticking--especially after it starts failing?
                Is there a Fiery installed?
                I don't think there is a NVRAM/NIC Reset for a c452...maybe?

                Might want to try a different file type/dpi...but it seems to me that shouldn't matter. Gmail might not like the default file the MFP is creating (which I don't think you can change), but that SMB variable kind of throws all this off.

                The All Solutions says this:
                Solution ID 1 Solution Usage TAUS1000881EN*Description Unable to scan to E-mail using Binary division. [whatever that is exactly]
                Solution CAUSE: Unsupported function.

                72-16 Jam is a FS-526 code--that probably isn't related...couldn't find the E-301.

                As to you said:
                Memory / MFPB / SSD.
                Memory is the easiest to check (even with a laptop) then I am going to say try MFP Board after that.

                Wish I could help more. : /


                • habik
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                  Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                  Thanks Synaux.
                  .OK Google! ... will I need Berrocca this morning?
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                  • habik
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                    Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                    Funny you mentioned that sticking of settings I recall after one reboot this :

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                    • habik
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                      Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                      Did a second reboot and all fine 3

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                      • Synaux
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                        Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                        Here is another thing that might be relevant

                        Solution ID 2 Solution Usage TAUS1000279EN*
                        How to set Scan to E-mail size limit.
                        To set Scan to E-mail size limit, browse the MFP then...

                        Log in as Administrator.

                        Click NETWORK tab.

                        Click EMAIL SETTINGS.

                        Click EMAIL TX (SMTP).

                        Click Max Mail Size.

                        Select NO LIMIT.
                        SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD


                        • habik
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                          Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                          I know that one. By default is set to No Limit. I am getting to a point that the issue might be their network. Just the no problem any time any size any amount of pages for FTP scan All goes through. Printing PDF's the size of Titanic and all good so tried to switch to Auto 10/100 MB/s setting no difference. Tried the 1GB AUTO .... Ditto.
                          If it would be their network scanning to MAC with such massive files wouldn't work. Normal Pdf > FTP . Plus it was MFP>CAT5e direct to switch> over WLAN > MAC. In a blink of ab eye!

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                          • habik
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                            Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                            Bugger! I have 3 logged C-E301 since I loaded fw G20-G9 that might triggered the Issue with SMB & Email. I had to upgrade to G9 as per tech. support due to Account Track printing issues. Since I loaded the G9 I am having nightmares!. My scenario is 3 companies on same network running on Mac Server with 90% Mac stations.
                            SSD has been updated from within G9 firmware 6.03m to 6.05m. 2nd re-load of G9 have not shown any need of SSD update.
                            The one thing that puzzles me is SSW 25 which is set as HEX 40 (func.version 5)
                            In the G9 document states there is no functional difference between ver.5 & ver.6 Think I am going to call client to trip the SSW to 50.

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                            • Synaux
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                              Re: Bizhub C452e gmail per page separate file in separate email issue.

                              Hell I dunno.
                              The last thing I was going to ask was if it is going off network at all. You can setup a constant ping in a command prompt or probably find a program to monitor it.

