Is there any other manufacturer that does hotspot printing as Ricoh? i.e. print to hotspot printer email address > code received > code entered to printer > print job prints out.
Hotspot Printing
Re: Hotspot Printing
No not really. But know it works with a URL and a you get a page where u can submit what you what to print. KM training explained the system and it looked cool.
There is no market were i'm at for complex workflows, wish there was because i like setting stuff like this up.
Do some research on IPP i think we are going to see a lot more of it in the near future.WhateverComment
Re: Hotspot Printing
Was it Direct Print where you login to the webpage and drop a file (pdf,jpeg,tiff) know this works on LAN. Just not sure how could I release the job at will.(i.e. Not printing immediately)
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Re: Hotspot Printing
PrinterOn used by Ricoh is a 3rd party. When you send a job to a hotspot printer the job goes to PrinterOn, they send you a code which you are going to use at the printer to release the job. I don't see a market for it. You don't need a 3rd party to print from your mobile device, just a free app.Comment
Re: Hotspot Printing
the only one i set up was at a hotel...thought it was a nice option for the hotel guest, but i went back about a year later for regular PM stuff, the staff said no one used it. not sure if it was too complicated or inconvenient for users.Comment
Re: Hotspot Printing
I Know the Universities use a system combined with P-counter or Y-soft. So it u are a student or staff you get billed.
Is the user going to be billed at a counter?
With the BH box function u can drop documents in a box from PSWC, them walk to the machine to print.WhateverComment
Re: Hotspot Printing
No billing. Just easy operation. What I like about the concept is that its foolproof. Attach file to email and off you go and it works globally, which will be a desired function.
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Re: Hotspot Printing
I've setup options in PaperCut MF for Konica Minolta MFPs. PaperCut calls this BYOD (bring your own device). Compatible with google cloud print, email printing, ect. Normally users have an account in papercut and it knows by their email address who to charge to. Or for public use it could be released for print by a front desk employee. With papercut you have to have different email addresses pointed to different print queues to have different print preference options.
Also I've setup email print with canon & Uniflow. After printing with to email you set the print preferences at the copier secure release screen before printing.
This is usually compatible with PDF out of the box. With MS Office you have to create a sandbox for MS Office on the server.Comment