Hello, it is me once again.
I want to get to know the printer a little bit more in-depth, so I read the service manual (service codes and service menu). I came across the settings under Copier -> Adjust -> Blank -> BLANK T,L,R,B
Those should be influencing the borders of the printable area. By default the menu says it should be set to "29". When I checked the settings I saw that they are set for T=94; L=59; R=59;B=59. I changed them to the default of 29, restarted the printer and made a print of a full colored page. But I saw no results. The borders were the same. Then I changed all values to 80 and again, no change. Did I misinterpret the setting or do I have to check another function?
Btw: One border is a bit larger than the other ones, which would make sense when one border is set to 94 and the rest to 59.
Greetings dear technicians
I want to get to know the printer a little bit more in-depth, so I read the service manual (service codes and service menu). I came across the settings under Copier -> Adjust -> Blank -> BLANK T,L,R,B
Those should be influencing the borders of the printable area. By default the menu says it should be set to "29". When I checked the settings I saw that they are set for T=94; L=59; R=59;B=59. I changed them to the default of 29, restarted the printer and made a print of a full colored page. But I saw no results. The borders were the same. Then I changed all values to 80 and again, no change. Did I misinterpret the setting or do I have to check another function?
Btw: One border is a bit larger than the other ones, which would make sense when one border is set to 94 and the rest to 59.
Greetings dear technicians