These finishers usually run well, but the customer decided to help.
It started out as an error code E00531-8002. Stapler not moving from home position. It sounds to me that the stapler itself is not
moving. The stapler unit does move back and forth no problem.
Customer decided to replace the staple cartridge even tho it did not ask for staples. Now with staples loaded it does not actuate
the stapler to begin the feed of the staples. The message won't clear.
Question, how reliable are these staplers? The counter sez a little over 46,000 staples have been made. Also I have not seen the part
number for the whole stapler assembly in the parts book.
What is the part number or where can I find it?
I was also having trouble finding the I/O ports to check to see if it sees the staples or check the Home sensor.
I will have to go out on this again tomorrow and would like to be able to fix it or at least know what to order.
What experience have others had?
It started out as an error code E00531-8002. Stapler not moving from home position. It sounds to me that the stapler itself is not
moving. The stapler unit does move back and forth no problem.
Customer decided to replace the staple cartridge even tho it did not ask for staples. Now with staples loaded it does not actuate
the stapler to begin the feed of the staples. The message won't clear.
Question, how reliable are these staplers? The counter sez a little over 46,000 staples have been made. Also I have not seen the part
number for the whole stapler assembly in the parts book.
What is the part number or where can I find it?
I was also having trouble finding the I/O ports to check to see if it sees the staples or check the Home sensor.
I will have to go out on this again tomorrow and would like to be able to fix it or at least know what to order.
What experience have others had?