Need help varioprint 135 service manual

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  • hyperlink2008
    • Jun 2009
    • 14

    Need help varioprint 135 service manual

  • Copylady72
    • Jul 2019
    • 35

    Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

    I don't think anyone is going to be able to give you the manuals. Oce requires specific credentials and software to view the TSM's.

    I can tell you the 14532 error is related to no lift detection of Tray 3.

    Error 6503 is belt temperature too high. Possibly caused by the heat on demand unit.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


    • hyperlink2008
      • Jun 2009
      • 14

      Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

      Originally posted by Copylady72
      I don't think anyone is going to be able to give you the manuals. Oce requires specific credentials and software to view the TSM's.

      I can tell you the 14532 error is related to no lift detection of Tray 3.

      Error 6503 is belt temperature too high. Possibly caused by the heat on demand unit.

      Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
      Thank you so much my friend for informing me .. but I still have a little problem I'm not familiar with this type of machines yet 😅 first time doing maintenance to it .. so if you'll be able to help me some more to fixed it I'll be very thankful


      • Rickster
        • Feb 2020
        • 15

        Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

        Canon does not have a PDF for the Oce products. They use a web browser based data base thing that is a highly controlled by CUSA. These machines are quite finicky. If you are not an authorized dealer, this thing will eat you alive.


        • Phil B.
          Field Supervisor

          10,000+ Posts
          • Jul 2016
          • 22808

          Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

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          But like others have mentioned.. they protect access to those files/info religiously .


          • slimslob

            Site Contributor
            25,000+ Posts
            • May 2013
            • 35625

            Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

            You must not have tried very hard. I searched "varioprint 135 service manual free" and found this Canon Oce VarioPrint 135 Manuals

            Click on the image of the service guide cover page will take you to download page. Next time do not lie to us.


            • Copylady72
              • Jul 2019
              • 35

              Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

              Originally posted by slimslob
              You must not have tried very hard. I searched "varioprint 135 service manual free" and found this Canon Oce VarioPrint 135 Manuals

              Click on the image of the service guide cover page will take you to download page. Next time do not lie to us.
              That is a Service Guide. Not a service manual...just saying.

              Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


              • Phil B.
                Field Supervisor

                10,000+ Posts
                • Jul 2016
                • 22808

                Re: Need help varioprint 135 service manual

                Originally posted by Copylady72
                That is a Service Guide. Not a service manual...just saying.

                Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

                it does say Service Manual
                Canon Oce VarioPrint 135 Service Manual (80 pages)

                i'm sure if the OP was willing to pay (in dire straits) he could get whole manual. .. and like Slim mentioned, the OP said he desperately searched and found nothing

                ** Not to mention.. he posted request in Canon forum not MANUAL REQUESTS **

