Hi copier tech... I got problem with my copier canon iradvc5235 , after upgrade harddrive software and after on machine, at screen appears printer starting up and not missing... Always appears and cannot go to meter reading checkIMG_20210622_121358.jpg
Canon iradvc 5235 appears starting up at screen up
Re: Canon iradvc 5235 appears starting up at screen up
If you are sure that the drive is ok and the printer is on a network with internet access go to service mode and update device via CDS.Practice makes perfect
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
A picture is worth a thousand words
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself
Re: Canon iradvc 5235 appears starting up at screen up
CDS is the update service embedded inside service mode. Getting a USB update might be easier for you.I have used Canon Imagerunner parts for sale. Most are floor model Color and / Advances Imagerunner with some 3025 3235 parts. Several intact machines being parted.Comment