IR500 e00355-0001
You've Replaced or Swapped the Main-Controller board and now are getting an E355 error code on he imageRUNNER-iR LCD ??
E355 error code is due to no communication between the Main-Controller board and the Serial Number board below it. The boards are connected by a 11 PIN yellow connector and cable. This yellow connector must be reseated on the new Main-Controller board when changed. The connector must be seated firmly on the board.
You must go into Service Mode and clear the error code.
1. Enter Service Mode: Press * Additional Functions, 2&8 simultaneously, then * Additional Functions again.
2. Then select the [COPIER] option. Under [COPIER], select the Function tab.
3. Under the [FUNCTION] tab, select the [CLEAR] option.
4. In [CLEAR] there is a selection E355-CLR. Select it and hit OK.
5. Reboot the machine.
If the error occurs again:
1. Make sure the connection is secure and tight to the Main-Controller board from the connector cable to the Serial Number board below.
2. Re-seat the Main-Controller board into its slot.
3. Go into service mode and clear the error code as explained above.
* If the error still continues, you probably have a bad Serial Number board and it needs to be replaced. -
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IR500 e00355-0001
i have a canon ir5000 mc old verision with error code e00355-0001 i change the main controller pcband the error still e355-0001 please i need help
thanksTags: canon, canon ir5000, change, clr, code, controller, e003, error, error code, ir500, ir5000, main, roller
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