How to change SMTP port on IR-ADV 6075?

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  • Halgrind


    How to change SMTP port on IR-ADV 6075?

    This morning, scan to email on our canon copiers stopped working. I eventually discovered that our email host started blocking port 25 to force secure connections. I had already switched all other devices over to SSL (using 465 for SMTP). Most devices switch to port 465 automatically when using SSL, but for some reason all our canon copiers (3225 and 6075) still try to use port 25, even when SSL is enabled. I entered service mode on the 3225 machines and manually change the SMTP port to 465 and they're working now. However, the newer machines don't seem to respond to the old *28 method of getting into service mode.

    How do you enter service mode on the IR-A 6075? Or is there some setting I'm missing that changes the SMTP SSL port? Because enabling SSL certainly doesn't do it.

  • Van Steal
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Apr 2008
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    Re: How to change SMTP port on IR-ADV 6075?

    Originally posted by Halgrind
    This morning, scan to email on our canon copiers stopped working. I eventually discovered that our email host started blocking port 25 to force secure connections. I had already switched all other devices over to SSL (using 465 for SMTP). Most devices switch to port 465 automatically when using SSL, but for some reason all our canon copiers (3225 and 6075) still try to use port 25, even when SSL is enabled. I entered service mode on the 3225 machines and manually change the SMTP port to 465 and they're working now. However, the newer machines don't seem to respond to the old *28 method of getting into service mode.

    How do you enter service mode on the IR-A 6075? Or is there some setting I'm missing that changes the SMTP SSL port? Because enabling SSL certainly doesn't do it.

    It's the same as 3225. If you fail to get into service mode you have to hit the yellow reset button each time and start again.


    • yazj
      • Aug 2011
      • 29

      Re: How to change SMTP port on IR-ADV 6075?


      *28*---> *2Lv2---->Option----->Network.

      hope this help..

