OK, here's a weird one.
We have a very large account with roughly 1,000 Canon machines. Probably 900 of them are iR3570s, and the rest are iR5075s, iRC4080s, etc...
There is a new push to change the sleep timers to a lower setting, all in an effort to save electricity.
Is there a way to do this "en masse" to do bunches of them at the same time? I've set up iWEMC (imageWARE Enterprise Console) in a test environment in my office, but I see no place to change the timers. No mention of it in the documentation, either.
None of the optional plugins for iWEMC seemed to mention it.
The timers can be set via the RUI on each machine individually, but I really don't relish doing 1,000 + machines.
Thanks in advance!
We have a very large account with roughly 1,000 Canon machines. Probably 900 of them are iR3570s, and the rest are iR5075s, iRC4080s, etc...
There is a new push to change the sleep timers to a lower setting, all in an effort to save electricity.
Is there a way to do this "en masse" to do bunches of them at the same time? I've set up iWEMC (imageWARE Enterprise Console) in a test environment in my office, but I see no place to change the timers. No mention of it in the documentation, either.
None of the optional plugins for iWEMC seemed to mention it.
The timers can be set via the RUI on each machine individually, but I really don't relish doing 1,000 + machines.
Thanks in advance!