Machine after 20 - 30 copies starts to slowing down from 95ppm to about 50-60ppm ( somethimes stops printing at all ) and after 10 seconds speed goes up to full speed.
This behavior is repeated all the time during long run. No error message, no jams.
We noticed that this is related to the temperature of fixing unit because temperature oscilates from 202 to 176 degreese when machine stops, and to 186 degreese at slow speed period.
On IRA8105 beside temperature oscilating max 5-6 degreese from 202 and there is no slowing down at all.
Machine have implemented "Down Sequence Control " in case of great difference beetwen the target temp. and detected temp.
In this case machine slows down to prevent fixing failure.
But In normal circumstances down seq. control should occur only with heavy paper or when switching from plain to heavy or thin to heavy ...
Customer use only plain paper and i'm not sure what's happening and why temperature drops so suddenly.
What we tried to do with no results ...
Replaced the fixing unit from the IRA8105 that is operating normally ...
Upgrading newest firmware ( System , DC .... ) ...
At last we tried to replace Main drive Driver PCB Assy but device is still slowing down and temperature oscilate a lot.
We also doubt to DC controller but do not have it in stock.
Any sugestions until we get new DC controller PCB ????
Darko M
Machine after 20 - 30 copies starts to slowing down from 95ppm to about 50-60ppm ( somethimes stops printing at all ) and after 10 seconds speed goes up to full speed.
This behavior is repeated all the time during long run. No error message, no jams.
We noticed that this is related to the temperature of fixing unit because temperature oscilates from 202 to 176 degreese when machine stops, and to 186 degreese at slow speed period.
On IRA8105 beside temperature oscilating max 5-6 degreese from 202 and there is no slowing down at all.
Machine have implemented "Down Sequence Control " in case of great difference beetwen the target temp. and detected temp.
In this case machine slows down to prevent fixing failure.
But In normal circumstances down seq. control should occur only with heavy paper or when switching from plain to heavy or thin to heavy ...
Customer use only plain paper and i'm not sure what's happening and why temperature drops so suddenly.
What we tried to do with no results ...
Replaced the fixing unit from the IRA8105 that is operating normally ...
Upgrading newest firmware ( System , DC .... ) ...
At last we tried to replace Main drive Driver PCB Assy but device is still slowing down and temperature oscilate a lot.
We also doubt to DC controller but do not have it in stock.
Any sugestions until we get new DC controller PCB ????
Darko M