As a result of swapping main controller boards with a 5055 to no avail I now have this code even though the counter chips were exchanged at the repair site. The main controller did not fix the problem with the 5075 so I swapped the counter chips back to their original boards putting every thing back in place the 5075 comes up with print and mailboxes so it has the right counter chip, the 5055 is giving this error code. Any input would be appreciated.
canon 5075 e00350-3000
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Re: canon 5075 e00350-3000
As a result of swapping main controller boards with a 5055 to no avail I now have this code even though the counter chips were exchanged at the repair site. The main controller did not fix the problem with the 5075 so I swapped the counter chips back to their original boards putting every thing back in place the 5075 comes up with print and mailboxes so it has the right counter chip, the 5055 is giving this error code. Any input would be appreciated.
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