I have a machine that keeps jamming intermittenly with jam code 99-01 controller jam paper size error. It's feeding from the PC-415. Copier has around 125,000 total count.
Pickup and feed rollers have been replaced. Service manual doesn't really help. I haven't been able to get it to jam when onsite. customer says it jams when they do 50 plus page copy jobs. I ran 200 and couldn't get it to jam. Jam counter shows several 99-01 jams from tray 3. Any ideas thanks.
Pickup and feed rollers have been replaced. Service manual doesn't really help. I haven't been able to get it to jam when onsite. customer says it jams when they do 50 plus page copy jobs. I ran 200 and couldn't get it to jam. Jam counter shows several 99-01 jams from tray 3. Any ideas thanks.