BH Pro C5501 with C-2213 code. The cyan print is mis-registered by 1.5 inches

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  • Desert Rat
    Service Manager
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    1,000+ Posts
    • May 2008
    • 1089

    [Error Code] BH Pro C5501 with C-2213 code. The cyan print is mis-registered by 1.5 inches

    This is odd, here's what I've done: Blew the dust off the drum motors encoders and sensors. Then I ran 50 pages from tray one
    on 20lb paper. That came out fine. The customer sent a print job over that ran from the by pass tray with 210gm2 paper. It erred out
    after 6 pages. Saw in a bulletin where it could be the drum. Swapped the cyan and magenta drums and the problem followed with
    a C-2212 code pointing to the magenta drum. Replace the cyan drum with a new drum in the original drum position. Ran the programs
    for auto gradation and auto color registration. Ran the same paper from the by pass as a copy job it ran all 50 without a code.
    The customer sent he job again and it errored out after 7 pages.
    Swapped it with magenta same result C-2212. Swapped that drum with the black and it seems OK. At least the customer will meet his
    I just sold him this machine and he's been running it for about three days without a hitch until this code popped up.

    The new drum was a DU102C. That drum was also mentioned in the bulletin. I have checked the firmware and it is up to date.

    I have a feeling as soon as he gets a job for black it will error out again.

    So WTF is going on here? This just seems weird to me.

