Exporting a CSR and installing a signed Certificate?

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  • Arkangel1028
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2021
    • 1

    [Misc] Exporting a CSR and installing a signed Certificate?

    I could use some help.

    Our IT Network Admins require that a CSR is signed by them and installed on the MFD to be secured.

    Turned off SSL

    I have a Konica Minolta 368e, and have went into the Security/PKI, filled in all the necessary information and requested a CSR. The CSR was sent to be signed and received.

    I've deleted the cert that came with the unit.

    Opened the received cert in text format, chose import cert and pasted the text.

    Turned on SSL for Admin and user using TLS1.1 and 1.2 with AES256 encryption.

    The unit was then cold booted.

    Every browser that I access the unit still shows Bad Certificate.

    I would like to access the unit with HTTPS, however what did I miss? Is there instruction for properly installing signed certificates on a Konica Minolta 368e? My cert shows Root and Intermediate.

    Any help is welcomed.

  • Bix
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Apr 2018
    • 1421

    Re: Exporting a CSR and installing a signed Certificate?

    Have you activated these settings?

    It takes 24 hours for everyone to recognize the certificate.The current maximum certificate file size is up to 6.8 KB.
    Regarding the file size, it is recommended to use PSWC to import the certificates because there will be no size limitation with PSWC.
    The PSWC is built up to handle the maximum file size of a system.

    In regards of the size of 6.8 KB on Sparrow/Eagle, please use firmware G00-B5 or later for the current maximum file size of 6.8 KB.

