I have lurked here for a while only recently creating a login. I have been doing the maintenance and repairs on a Savin MP C5502 for a few years now. Upon moving my office to a new location, the moving company smashed the 5502. There is a large dent in the metal frame, some cracked plastic, and some other minor damage and the machine jams on every page just out of the fuser. But no, I'm not posting in the Konica section about a Savin.
My company has decided to take the moving company's offer of a Konica Bizhub C368 in exchange for the damage to the 5502. I had no part of this decision. I'm supposed to take delivery of the machine and check it out to make sure it meets our approval before management will sign off on the settlement. Besides printing and scanning, which is mostly what I do with it, what should I be looking for? The machine is said to have ~90,000 total with ~24,000 color clicks. I know the new machine will be somewhat slower, especially on larger volume prints, but as I said, I didn't get to choose.
I will make an appropriate request for a service manual in the appropriate place but I would appreciate any insights those that have experience with these machines can offer. I have minimal experience with digital printing, just the replacement of parts (rollers, drums, and a bad switch) in our old 5502, but I do have a degree in electrical engineering and I can follow directions quite well.
Thank you in advance for any help.
I have lurked here for a while only recently creating a login. I have been doing the maintenance and repairs on a Savin MP C5502 for a few years now. Upon moving my office to a new location, the moving company smashed the 5502. There is a large dent in the metal frame, some cracked plastic, and some other minor damage and the machine jams on every page just out of the fuser. But no, I'm not posting in the Konica section about a Savin.
My company has decided to take the moving company's offer of a Konica Bizhub C368 in exchange for the damage to the 5502. I had no part of this decision. I'm supposed to take delivery of the machine and check it out to make sure it meets our approval before management will sign off on the settlement. Besides printing and scanning, which is mostly what I do with it, what should I be looking for? The machine is said to have ~90,000 total with ~24,000 color clicks. I know the new machine will be somewhat slower, especially on larger volume prints, but as I said, I didn't get to choose.
I will make an appropriate request for a service manual in the appropriate place but I would appreciate any insights those that have experience with these machines can offer. I have minimal experience with digital printing, just the replacement of parts (rollers, drums, and a bad switch) in our old 5502, but I do have a degree in electrical engineering and I can follow directions quite well.
Thank you in advance for any help.