What is your opinion regarding the print quality (business color) of the following models:
- Konica Minolta C658 series
- Canon C5560i series
- Xerox AltaLink C8055 series
I know that these are no longer the current models. But I think there is more experience here than with the very new machines.
I'm always a bit torn about which office machines deliver the better quality. Therefore, I would like to discuss the question here in the forum. I think so far only brands like Kyocera were compared with the leading brands, but never the leading brands like Canon, KM and Xerox among themselves.
- Konica Minolta C658 series
- Canon C5560i series
- Xerox AltaLink C8055 series
I know that these are no longer the current models. But I think there is more experience here than with the very new machines.
I'm always a bit torn about which office machines deliver the better quality. Therefore, I would like to discuss the question here in the forum. I think so far only brands like Kyocera were compared with the leading brands, but never the leading brands like Canon, KM and Xerox among themselves.