Got a customer here that scans to SMB to a folder on a server. I don't know if this is a network issue or if it is the machine it self but here is the scenario: The customer scans a file to PDF to the folder, they do not use the default file name IE: "KMBTScan_xxx" they change the name. They will comeback later and scan another document and use the same name and it will overwrite the previous file. According to their IT guy said that their other copier (Copystar) would not overwrite but put like a "1" besides the name. I told him I never really heard of it. He agrees with me that logically if you give it the same name that it would overwrite the file like anyother program or folder on your PC. He said they will probably work around it but i told him i'll see what i can find about it. I have looked through Solutions Database and have found nothing about it. I am curious has anyone else heard of this or dealt with it before? I also suspect that this maybe a network issue.