bizhub c351 interlock with pin or sth like that

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  • bugmenot1


    bizhub c351 interlock with pin or sth like that

    Hi guys,

    in our company we have a Konica Minolta bizhub c351 and all in all we are satisfied with it.
    But the settings are always changed because some staff members want to print some special stuff.
    Now the question: Is it possible to lock the printer with a PIN or sth like that?
    So that only entitled people can use it and the settings don't be override everytime?
    greetz bmn

    sorry for my english i am from austria
  • ineo+6501
    Trusted Tech

    250+ Posts
    • Mar 2010
    • 262

    The machine can be setup with user accounts so that only people with a PIN number can access the machine and change settings.

    In utility/counter - administrator settings - user authentication/account track - general settings - choose account track password only.

    In utility/counter - administrator settings - user authentication/account track - account track settings - account track registration. Setup accounts as you like.

    Authorised users can now access the machine via their pin number. Note however that this will effect printing from PC, the PIN and account name must be entered into the print driver or it won't print.


    • ineo+6501
      Trusted Tech

      250+ Posts
      • Mar 2010
      • 262

      You will need the administrator password which is 12345678, incase you don't know it.


      • bugmenot1

        Thank you for your answer ineo!

        That means that everyone who want to print needs the pin?
        Wether the person want to print from pc or directly at the mashine?
        And there is no possibility to lock the settings only?


        • BIG PAPA
          Da Boss

          100+ Posts
          • Jan 2010
          • 234

          In that same menu group there is a setting for Print authentication, for get what it is called exactly not at a machine. But it has two choices. Restrict or allow. restrict will require that the pin be in the print driver for pc printing. allow will not require this and the pin will just be used at the machine.


          • emujo
            Field Supervisor

            2,500+ Posts
            • Jun 2009
            • 3009

            User authentication and account track are 2 methods used to track copy usage and to determine who has the rights to do things like copy in color, scan, fax, use the USB functions. They have little to do with the overall configuration of the MFP for copies or print. What specifically are you trying to keep from being changed by the users? The utlity mode can be used to prevent certain operations from being performed, and the print drivers can be configured a particular way on the server and depending on the clients rights, may or may not be available to be fiddled with (printer management functions). Get back with us and post some detailed info on what you are trying to accomplish. Emujo
            If you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals.

