Tech Mode on a Minotla di-850

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  • Sgt. Hulka

    Site Contributor
    50+ Posts
    • Jun 2005
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    Tech Mode on a Minotla di-850

    How do I disable the copy managemet passwords and how do I get into tech mode on a Minolta di 850.

    Post edited by: Frank, at: 2006/06/30 23:51
    Who wants a Hulka Burger?
  • dqydj

    50+ Posts
    • Jun 2005
    • 65

    Re:Tech Mode on a Minotla di-850

    After you turn on the main and sub power switches and the machine comes to ready, hold down the utilitiy key and wait
    for (enter password for mode selection) message appears.
    Enter the password 9272 and press the start button.
    Enter 2-5 mode and press no. 6 password setting.
    It should display a four digit password (key operator code)
    and a eight digit password (e.c.m.).
    Copy the passwords and backout to mode changing menu.
    choose key operator mode, enter key operator password
    choose no. 4 e.c.m. function setting, enter the e.c.m. password
    and you should be able to turn it off from there.
    I haven\'t done this for a while so if you don\'t get the mode
    changing menu after holding down the utility key try
    holding the utility key while turning on the power.
    good luck.

