C252 VPN Printing issue

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  • keller34
    • Mar 2025


    [Misc] C252 VPN Printing issue

    Hello again all.

    A new issue cropped up and is more of a pain than a issue.

    Everyone can print to the C252 just fine. However when my wife goes on vpn with er work she cannot print on it unless she discoes from vpn and then it will print. I tried to look at the vpn setings to see if there was a setting that i could change but they have it locked. I wanted to check with all of you to see if maybe you have any input on this as I do not think it is the C252 but a VPN issue.
  • keller34

    Re: C252 VPN Printing issue

    I think that the company only allows traffic through the vpn while conncted and not through LAN because of security. Could this be the issue?


    • TheOwl
      Service Manager

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      Re: C252 VPN Printing issue

      Most VPN's cut you off from your local network as a default for security reasons. The idea is that if there is a computer that is infected in your network, then it could use the machine that has an open VPN connection to go and infect another network.

      Depending on the VPN in use, there are somethings that you can do. If you are using a CISCO VPN agent, then it is most likely that it won't matter what setting you change in the client, the ACL's will override it on connection.

      If the machine is close by your wife's PC, just run a USB cable to it as USB printers aren't seen as a threat because they are "locally connected" and not networked.
      Please don't ask me for firmware or service manuals as refusal often offends.


      • kronical
        Kronic Copier Ninja

        100+ Posts
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        Owl is correct. In addition, once you connect to a vpn your pcs nw settings are updated to the work network and you are no longer connected to your home nw. Unless her IT can set up a static route from their network to your printer then you will have to disconnect from the vpn every time, or wait for your queued jobs to print once you disconnect.

