I have a Biz Hub C353 that will not let me access the fax/scan function. It has the MK502 fax kit. I can perform a dial tone/ncu test in sim mode and get a dial tone, but when I push the fax/scan button it gives me two beeps and will not display the fax/scan function. I was there to replace the iu's (which I did) and the customer asked me about the fax issue. Any ideas?
Biz HUb C353
Re: Biz HUb C353
the hard drive may of failed or has been disabled.
fax/scan is impossible without it.
that's what i would investigate first and foremost. -
Re: Biz HUb C353
I was a Konica Minolta tech and service manager a few years ago, then went to Kyocera and Ricoh. I know how to do the HDD check in sim mode but have forgotten how to enable/disable it. Is
there a toggle in sim mode or would an error disable it? Sorry for the basic questions, just been awhile on troubleshooting KM's.Comment
Re: Biz HUb C353
Thanks, EarthKMTech. It is all coming back to me now. I believe to check if the HDD in enabled it is in Sytem 1. Should just be disabled although I don't know h
ow it would happen. Will let you know what I find. Of coiurse the account is 61 miles outsied my territory!!Comment
Re: Biz HUb C353
You will find that firmware upgrades occasionally set the HDD to Disabled.
It always a good idea to check the HDD state after a firmware upgrade just to make sure.Please don't ask me for firmware or service manuals as refusal often offends.Comment