Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

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  • Don N.
    Trusted Tech

    250+ Posts
    • Nov 2011
    • 409

    Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

    Customer wants to upgrade from Bizhub 200, 250 & 350 due to slow printing of larger files, esp. PDF's. We know how to get best speed possible from these, but I need proof that the BH363 is much faster. Server 2008 network, not peer to peer. Anybody have tangible evidence/comparisons?
  • SmellsHot
    Head Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Dec 2009
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    Re: Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

    print a 100 pages and video record the results
    The 363 is much faster than the 350. The 350's received pdf's like they were individual pages. Where as the 363 functions like a normal printer....
    Everyone has the right to be stupid. Some people just abuse this privelage more than others


    • Don N.
      Trusted Tech

      250+ Posts
      • Nov 2011
      • 409

      Re: Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

      I should have specified we are independant, sell 90% refurbs. I can get a used one whsle and sell him, but have none of these to test. Haven't sold 363's yet. Their it guy wants to see a server network print a good sized PDF as proof. Whole deal rides on that.


      • Denward

        Re: Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

        Well other than the Minolta page stating the 36 PPM
        bizhub 363 Black & White Printers from Konica Minolta
        You'd have to physically show him or take a video as the above post suggests.

        Also depending on the size of the PDFs can try using a Post Script driver instead of a PCL

        If you have access to the Minolta KB through the SSD you can check out the article that is suppose to help with the slow PDF printing for the Bizhub 200/250/350, but is only stated as a work around. Providing that as information that Minolta was aware and fixed the issue might help
        KB Article:TAUS0701766EN


        • Don N.
          Trusted Tech

          250+ Posts
          • Nov 2011
          • 409

          Re: Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

          The KB article is a lame apology/dodge. We use the VPS driver, we check "print as image" in pdf advanced box, we set it to default printer if it doesn't drive customer crazy to see one page at a time print out and occupy the machine all day. Don't mean to turn this into an expose' on a very slow printer, just wonder if anybody can document an upgraded customer's gee whiz moment when they saw the 363 do what the 350 won't... crank out large documents at rated speed.


          • Mr Spock
            Vulcan Inventor of Death

            1,000+ Posts
            • Aug 2006
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            Re: Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

            First off there are issues with pdf printing. I have seen version 9 actually rip the job faster then adobe reader 10 or 11. That is one issue. Print as image is a decent workaround but does not really help when using pcl. The vps driver does work better but you need to see the size of the job that is being sent to the printer to actually see the issue. I had a pdf that was 698KB (according to the file manager) turn into a 6.9MGB print job. Now on a 100mb network that will take some time just to spool. Add in the fact the job goes to the server then back out to the printer you can see that this will take 2-5 minutes just to get to the printer with no network issues.
            And Star Trek was just a tv show...yeah right!


            • Darren King

              500+ Posts
              • Jul 2007
              • 652

              Re: Can anyone provide print speeds for Bizhub 363?

              The BH363 is definitely a faster printer than the BH350. No question!

