check dipswitches
check and make sure dip switches for HDD and do 99-3 and 99-4 options for hdd. This is in part because of how the jobs get sent. unlike other models with fiery's the 6500 gets the job different. Even if you only have one page job, but you want 10,000 copies, that job gets sent 10,000 times. were as the older models would send the job one time, with a x10k command. so memmory tends to do this. you may also see a 4703 error.
check and make sure dip switches for HDD and do 99-3 and 99-4 options for hdd. This is in part because of how the jobs get sent. unlike other models with fiery's the 6500 gets the job different. Even if you only have one page job, but you want 10,000 copies, that job gets sent 10,000 times. were as the older models would send the job one time, with a x10k command. so memmory tends to do this. you may also see a 4703 error.