I've got a friends old KM EP1085 machine where the corona wire has gone resulting in blank images. The problem I have is replacing it as I cant seem to find the parts anywhere for this old machine. Has anyone any ideas where I can get the wires from at a reasonable price (its a bloody old machine, so not wanting to pay out much as it isn't worth it) or is there any other type of wire suitable to replace it with?
Many thanks.
I've got a friends old KM EP1085 machine where the corona wire has gone resulting in blank images. The problem I have is replacing it as I cant seem to find the parts anywhere for this old machine. Has anyone any ideas where I can get the wires from at a reasonable price (its a bloody old machine, so not wanting to pay out much as it isn't worth it) or is there any other type of wire suitable to replace it with?
Many thanks.