Has anyone else out there encountered random black lines generated on copies,faxes and scans using the KM-1820 ADF? I have tried turning on "scan noise reduction",cleaned scanner mirrors & lens,replaced scan glass,adjusted Mode 87. I have two of these models with this problem. I had to replace one machine for unsatisfied customer. Used the same ADF and fax board though. So I am looking at something in the main body as the problem. The other machine is used mainly as a fax so customer does not encounter the random black lines when they copy and they are not too critical of quality. I hope someone else has encountered this and was able to fix.
Has anyone else out there encountered random black lines generated on copies,faxes and scans using the KM-1820 ADF? I have tried turning on "scan noise reduction",cleaned scanner mirrors & lens,replaced scan glass,adjusted Mode 87. I have two of these models with this problem. I had to replace one machine for unsatisfied customer. Used the same ADF and fax board though. So I am looking at something in the main body as the problem. The other machine is used mainly as a fax so customer does not encounter the random black lines when they copy and they are not too critical of quality. I hope someone else has encountered this and was able to fix.