C6400 zero crossing signal error.
Accordingg to the service manual, I have repalced the YC7 connector, and the power supply board. Still failing.
After a few experiments, I realized what the memory on the engine board (24L032) is burned.
I switched the engine boards from two machines, C0180 error, the machine number is stored in flash memory at the engine board, then i switch memory betwen cards, same as start, C6400 is shown.
An engine board from another machine is automatically rejected, showing a C0180 error (machine number mismatch)
Does anybody has a memory image from a new engine board?
Can I change the machine number from a memory image from another machine?
Accordingg to the service manual, I have repalced the YC7 connector, and the power supply board. Still failing.
After a few experiments, I realized what the memory on the engine board (24L032) is burned.
I switched the engine boards from two machines, C0180 error, the machine number is stored in flash memory at the engine board, then i switch memory betwen cards, same as start, C6400 is shown.
An engine board from another machine is automatically rejected, showing a C0180 error (machine number mismatch)
Does anybody has a memory image from a new engine board?
Can I change the machine number from a memory image from another machine?