Have a KM-5530 with what looks like undertoned developer. Copies are very splotchy, voids, and gray. U131 was at 149 and changed
to 160 after running U135 to manually force a toneup. U130 developer settings started out at 167,139,102,89. After resetting U130
they changed to 85,139,102,86. Copies look better but still have some random voids on copies. Not sure where the developer setting
numbers should be. Also noticed in service call report that there were 14 total count errors for C5510, 14 total count errors for C5600,
340 total count errors for C5610, so I cleared them all. After running toneup and developer resetting rountines and several copies I noticed
1 total error count returned for C5610. Machine has only got 75k copies, does it have to have a developer change or some sensor or HV replacement???? Any advise would be appreciated.
to 160 after running U135 to manually force a toneup. U130 developer settings started out at 167,139,102,89. After resetting U130
they changed to 85,139,102,86. Copies look better but still have some random voids on copies. Not sure where the developer setting
numbers should be. Also noticed in service call report that there were 14 total count errors for C5510, 14 total count errors for C5600,
340 total count errors for C5610, so I cleared them all. After running toneup and developer resetting rountines and several copies I noticed
1 total error count returned for C5610. Machine has only got 75k copies, does it have to have a developer change or some sensor or HV replacement???? Any advise would be appreciated.