MFX 2855 Scanner issue

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  • copycart

    Site Contributor
    50+ Posts
    • May 2009
    • 97


    [Misc] MFX 2855 Scanner issue

    I have a copier that the customer is scanning to a FTP server. The company who manages the server says there is no limit to the amount of documents /information that can be sent to the FTP server. After scanning approximately 100 documents to the server, I got a message on the copier that says cannot send. Somehow we are losing a connection between the copier and the server, which is in another state.The memory on the copier while scanning does not drop below 90%. The Rom version is set at 0 whicj I think says 10meg. The version is C8AOAO. Custiomer does not want to scan to a folder on the desktop because all the files will be bundled together.I have the Tech Bullitin about updated version, and copier shows the new version. Tech support told me I could bump up the scan from 10meg to 40 meg. Bullitin stateds to use Menu*51. But I don't see a menu key, only the setting key. Need expert help John
  • faxgoddess

    50+ Posts
    • Apr 2012
    • 70

    Re: MFX 2855 Scanner issue

    The 2855 has a Setting button. Press Setting, *, 5, 1 and go to Network switch 18. Then you'll need to set bits 3-0 (the last four digits on the right) to 0100. This will give you your 40MB scanning size.

    "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."
    --Vince Lombardi

