Hello! I wonder if someone can help me with a Risograph problem.
My machine is a non-digital one, from the early 80s by the looks of things. It seems to have one or two problems that is causing the thermal screen to be created properly, and I can't locate the problem. Sorry if I get the jargon wrong.
The prints that come out often are incomplete, with the top couple of inches blank. I have tried using all different kinds of settings, as well as trying both A3 and A4 size prints. Nothing helps - the top bottom and top inches will always be missing. I believe it's a problem with the burning of the screen - when looking at the screen on the drum, the image seems to be incomplete on that, and therefore all the copies made from the screen have the same mistake.
After running a few other test prints, I also noticed another subtle problem -the image that is burnt is sometimes squashed slightly, vertically short by a few millimeters, but the correct width.
I think the problem must lie in the creation of the screen. When feeding the original through to create the master, it seems to roll through perfectly. There is no dust or smudges or anything that I can see when I open it up, and we've cleaned it quite well. So I think it is a problem with the next step, which is burning the image into the screen. If there was something rolling too slowly, that might explain how the image appears a bit too short. I'm just guessing though! I'm hoping there might be someone here who actually knows what they are talking about.
Any help would be appreciated. I have a fantastic machine just sitting there, with two colours of ink, unused week after week!